Age of Wushu Wiki
(Departing Sting Manual) Sorrow of Parting
Sorrow of Parting
(Departing Sting Manual) Sorrow of Parting (Description)
School Emei (skill list) Skill Set Departing Sting Manual
Bonus Attribute
Weapon Type Range CD IF Cost Max Lvl
Double Stings Attack - Charge 3.0 meters 6.0 s 7

A charging movement with a turning stab, inflicting (53~55)(+2) points External skill of damage. (For a total of 3 hits, each hit does about 24 points of damage.)

This adds Rage to your character, the amount depending on how much your Parting Sorrow is stacked.

(This movement can be used with flying skills to quickly approach the enemy.)
