Age of Wushu Wiki

Black Wood Order unlocks the Star Vortex Inner when trained.

To obtain the manual of Star Vortex one must get 300 Cultivation points with the Black Wood Order then to talk to Yu Zhangqing. For having 300 Cultivation he'll give you a Star Vortex manual that bound to the player.


Buff to show active mode

Increase of cultivation points for Devour the Stars Period o f increase: 18:00—24:00 Talk with the NPC in Taihu Underground Palace to increase 1 cultivation point. After the chat, the player will gain a buff and be prompted that he is now in activity mode.

Players have a chance to increase 1 Cultivation Point when killing a monster. When this happens, there is a cooldown of 6 minutes until the next chance becomes available.

Players have a chance to increase 1 Cultivation Point when killing other players at their Max Level or higher. There is a cooldown of 5 seconds until the next chance. Player can get at most 2 Cultivation Points from the same character each day.


Item in inventory

